Day of departures. The programme of the last day started to be fulfilled from early morning. First who left Lednice was the Portuguese group, which said its goodbye to the rest of participants during Thursday's goodbye party. They correctly assumed that there would be no one able to get up before 6 a.m. Afterwards, participants from Turkey departed and than Romanian group with a half of Spanish group. The rest of the Spanish group decided to exploit the opportunity of staying in the Czech Republic and they spent several days in Prague on their own.
When our pension seemed to be empty, we considered our project to be definitely finished for the first time. At the same time, one participant found out that she had forgotten her suitcase in the pension just as she was entering the train. Fortunately, thanks to the quick reaction of one of our leaders and due to delay of the train we were able to get her suitcase to her before train departed.
Forgotten suitcase was really the last event of our project. Afterwards we just thanked to the owner of the pension and also left for our homes.
Když už byl pension prázdný a my považovali náš projekt téměř za úplně skončený, zjistila jedna z účastnic při nastupování do vlaku, že si na pokoji zapomněla kufr.
Vše nakonec dobře dopadlo a to díky včasnému a pohotovému zásahu jednoho ze členů našeho centra i s přispěním Českých drah (vlak byl totiž zpožděn).
Zapomenutý kufr byl už definitivní tečkou za naším projektem. Po rozloučení s majitelkou penzionu jsme se i my vydali do svých domovů.
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