Monday, August 3, 2009

What to prepare

- We are going to visit real folklore festival in a local village called Velké Bílovice. It would be nice if you bring some little bit more formal clothes (that means e.g. skirt, shirt – nothing extra formal). But it is not a condition.

- We will discuss traditional dances and folk costumes in our countries. For these workshops we need you to prepare two short presentations (about 15-20 minutes each) about your national/regional folk costumes and dances. Please focus on their origin, historical meaning and occasion when they are used. If you can bring some parts of your national costume with you, it would be very useful too. You should be also able to teach the participants from other countries how to dance your traditional dances. You can bring you traditional music as well.

- There will be an “Intercultural evening” during the project. For this, please bring some traditional meals, candies, drinks, flag or other national symbols and some prospects about your countries and region. Also you can tell us some interesting things about your country.

- There will be an “Evening of prejudices” during the project. For this, please prepare short scene based on your prejudices about one of the other countries. Duration should be about 5 minutes. Please don´t take it too seriously. We raffled the countries and hear they are:
Poland makes a presentation concerning prejudices they have about Spain.
Spain makes a presentation concerning prejudices they have about Czech Republic.
Turkey makes a presentation concerning prejudices they have about Italy.
Italy makes a presentation concerning prejudices they have about Portugal.
Portugal makes a presentation concerning prejudices they have about Poland.
Czech Republic makes a presentation concerning prejudices they have about Turkey.

- You can also think about some common traditions for Europe. We will use it during the workshops.